Brad Korac

Exercise Physiologist

Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science (B.Ex.Sp.Sc)
Masters of Clinical Exercise Science and Rehabilitation (M.Ex.Sc.Rehab.) (Ex.Phys).

Brad is an enthusiastic and empathetic practitioner that strives to use evidence-based exercise prescription, experience as a high-level performer and his own health journey to guide you in his treatment.

Originally from Sydney, Brad followed his passion for helping people to Melbourne to further educate himself to fulfil this dream. Working throughout Sydney and Melbourne Brad has gained experience as a Personal Trainer, Sports Trainer with local sporting teams and now practices in both a clinical and gym setting. He loves talking all things sports (AFL, Rugby and NFL) and you can also test his knowledge on Star Wars and all things nerdy.

Exercise Prescription
Strength & Conditioning
Sports Performance
Chronic Disease Management

Brad is passionate about helping others take the next step in their health and movement journey.