Tag: Sport

Healthy Diet
Healthy Mind & Body
Why Should Endurance Athletes Lift Weights? (Get Strong)
Are you an athlete who has been participating in endurance events over many years? Are you under the impression that athletes who undertake endurance events...
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6 Ways to Break through a Training Plateau
Have you hit a roadblock in your training? Are you stuck in your current exercise regime and can’t seem to make any progress? Are you stuck on a weight...
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Gaining Strenght on The Vegan Diet
Gaining Strength and Size on The Vegan Diet
Being a vegan triathlete turned powerlifter is not something you come across everyday. But, contrary to what many people will say, I’m here to show you...
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5 Steps to ensure a safe return to gym
We’ve done it! We’re finally back to the gym and indoor physical activity after the monotonous lockdown. I’m sure everyone is itching to get back to their...
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How does dry needling therapy work?
So… your friend just came back from the physio and told you all about dry needling! But what exactly is it and how can dry needling therapy help...
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What are the benefits of regular exercise?
Regular exercise has proven to provide us with an array of health benefits ranging from weight management to improved sleep quality. These benefits proceed...
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